Construction Environmental Management Plan - CEMP

Sustain Change work with clients across the UK to manage and mitigate Environmental Impacts of their construction projects.

  • What is a CEMP?

    A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) is a document that is designed to manage the environmental impacts of a construction project.

    The CEMP identifies the environmental risks present on site and includes all necessary measures required to mitigate the risks.

    CEMPS add the most value when they are written at design and planning stage, and followed through to construction.

    We are happy to discuss the unique requirements of your project, get in touch today for a FREE consultation.

  • Why do I need a CEMP?

    Your Local Planning Authority (LPA) may ask you to produce one as pat of the projects planning permission as a pre-commencement conditions that can be discharged by producing a site specific Construction Environmental Management Plan.

    However even if there is no specific requirement to have a CEMP, producing one can save time and money by identifying potential environmental risks that could delay the schedule of works.

  • Key components of a CEMP?

    Sustain Change CEMPs are tailored to the specific needs of the project, taking into account your sites location, time of year, duration and scope of works.

    A good CEMP will also consider

    > Legal Compliance and Legislative requirements

    > Site specific environmental risks such as protected species, designated sites, contaminated land, waste management, noise/dust/statutory nuisance and Section 61 agreements

    > Sustainability strategy and carbon reduction measures for the project